Are you ready for Winter?

Are you ready for Winter? As the winter draws nearer and we start preparing for Halloween, bonfire night and of course Christmas and New year, its easy to think about those exciting things and forget important property maintenance tasks.  Having dedicated winter checks can help you save

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Getting ready for the holiday season.

We understand the next few months will be filled with many jetting off to distant shores, taking some time to relax in the garden or spend time with family. While many look forward to their break, the colleagues they leave behind are often filled with dread at

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We’ve taken delivery of our new fleet

Finding partners we can trust and work with is something we look for here at BMC as we believe it is an important characteristic our clients look for in us. Our longstanding partnership with Dawson’s Van Group helps us keep our fleet mobilised and ready to serve

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Environmental protests in major city centers.

Today one of our Scottish engineers witnessed first hand the passion and pride the people have for the environment. Here at BMC we are joining the fight and doing our bit. More information to follow soon when the details are all finalised!!

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Quotes: updates, changes and improvements

Quotes are a big part of maintenance; sometimes there are things which can be made safe with a temporary fix but need to be addressed to prevent future issues. We understand that receiving quotes and understanding the detail behind them can be a pain for our customers

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